Finance Committee - District 1
Committee Meetings
Online – 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm
Zoom info:
Online – 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm
Zoom info:
District 1 Finance Committee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: District 1 Finance Committee’s Zoom Meeting
Time: 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 4633 7430
Passcode: money2025
The District 1 standing committees Requests For Funding (RFF) and budgets can be found here. (Unavailable)
District 1 expense report sheets can be downloaded here. (Excel Spreadsheet)
Any member of District 1 of Alcoholics Anonymous with 2 or more years of continuous sobriety is welcome to join this committee. The chairperson can be elected by the body or appointed by the chair, whatever the circumstances indicate. Officers include Chair; Alt. chair; sec/treas.; Dist. Chair and treasurer are ad hoc consultants. Consultants may be used when deemed necessary by the committee. The chairperson of this committee must have 3 yrs. of sobriety.
Responsibilities include presiding over all finance Committee meetings; set dates and agendas; report to District monthly regarding financial matters. Alt. chair is to be ready to act in the event the chair cannot fulfill duties for any reason. Sec/tres. records minutes of all meetings; present minutes at meetings for approval; and assists in amassing info for presentations. In the “the Spirit of Rotation” all positions rotate every two (2) years.
The mission statement of this committee shall be “to create and oversee the best distribution of AA’s monies so that the message of AA reaches those who need to hear it”.
To achieve the mission of the Finance Committee we will;
A) Gather and maintain relevant information of financial matters in District 1 ( RFFs)
B) Present to the District 1 body a proposed budget in the late fall of each year for the following year
C) Create forms and continue to improve forms as a means of understanding the financial needs of the district
D) Examine monthly bank reconciliation and study financial activity with district treasurer process for dealing with prudent reserve
E) Create the means for and to oversee a prudent Reserve (see #2230)
F) Offer suggestions for saving, spending, and/or reporting that would enhance financial conditions of Dist. 1
G) Oversee financial flow of AA monies by:
i. checking and dealing with unexpected expenses (discretionary fund)
ii. Approve routine RFF requests
iii. Secure unused funds
H) Prevent fraud by any means possible. Consultants used as deemed necessary by chair
I) Help create a more fluid, appropriate means of handling and increasing funds