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Accessibilities Committee - District 1

The purpose of the Accessibilities Committee is to help make A.A. accessible to every individual who may experience any mental, mobility, geographic, or cultural difficulties.

These are A.A. members who wish to have the same privileges and responsibilities as all A.A. members regarding the activities we all consider necessary for our continuous sobriety. These include regularly attending meetings and special AA functions; speaking at meetings; and participating in 12 step work, sponsorship, and service on both the local and area levels.

AA Members Can Get Involved

If you would like to get involved with the Accessibilities Committee, learn more about what we do, or would like to take meetings or the message to those who are unable to attend scheduled meetings, please call or text us at 727.314.3267.

Committee Meeting


WhenMonthly on the 3rd Thursday at 5:30pm

Login info:
ID: 656 169 2020
PW: Access

Email[email protected]