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A.A. Current Practice - District 1

Should you have questions pertaining to the District 1 Current Practices or need to view a printed copy of the most recent version, please contact the Current Practices Chairperson or District 1 Chairperson.

Committee Meeting

Online – 1st Thursday at 7:00pm
Zoom info
ID: 815 7788 6954
PW: CurrPrac
Direct Link: Current Practices Committee Meeting

If you would like more information, or would like to get involved, please contact us today.

The Current Practices Committee Chairperson is appointed by the District 1 (D1) Chairperson. It is highly recommended
the most recent outgoing D1 Chairperson serve as the Current Practices Chairperson (refer to motion 2600 dated
07/21/20). The Alternate Current Practices Chairperson and Secretary are to be elected by the Current Practices
Committee. If no one stands for Secretary then the Current Practices Chair will appoint a member to serve.
Recommendation for additional Current Practices Committee membership include D1 Officers and past D1 Officers, at
least one (1) DCM and one (1) GSR. Voting members are to be approved by the Current Practices Committee. All D1
members are encouraged to attend as non-voting guests; however, the Committee requests comments be held until the end
of the meeting agenda. Due to the nature of the Current Practices Committee the minimum sobriety requirement for the
Chairperson and Alternate Chairperson is 5 years, with a minimum of 2 years General Service experience. All other
members must have a minimum of 3 years sobriety and 1 year of General Service experience.

The purpose of the D1 Current Practices Committee is to ensure accurate and timely updates to the D1 Book of Current
Practices and Book of Motions. The Committee also facilitates the bi-annual update of the Legacy of Service, which
coincides with the rotation of the Officer and Standing Committee elections. The outgoing Officers and Committee
Chairperson are responsible for creating the narrative related to their position and/or Committee, however the Current
Practices Committee is responsible for identifying motions that apply to all Officer positions and Standing Committees
(i.e., attendance requirements). The Current Practices Committee also makes recommendations in the form of motions to
the D1 body to ensure operating procedures conform to practices that are currently utilized in D1. The Current Practices
Chairperson serves as an “procedural” advisor to the D1 Chairperson and D1 body during the monthly D1 General
Service Business Meeting.


  • Holds monthly Current Practices Committee meetings.
  •  The D1 Current Practices Committee will operate by the principles of Concept IX as closely as appropriate.
    Concept IX states: “Good service leaders, together with sound and appropriate methods of choosing them, are at
    all levels indispensable for our future functioning and safety.
  • D1 Current Practices Committee Chairperson sets the Committee Meeting agenda in writing. The Committee
    agenda incorporates submitted motions, old and new business topics. Submits completed agenda to the Current
    Practices Committee Secretary within 7 days of monthly meeting for distribution to the Current Practices
    Committee members. Presides over the Current Practices Committee Meeting making sure each meeting is
    planned effectively and conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • D1 Current Practices Committee Secretary records all motions and outcomes from the monthly Current Practices
    Committee Meeting and inserts them at the end of the Current Practices Committee Meeting minutes. The
    Committee Secretary prepares and emails the minutes to the Committee members within 7 days of the monthly
    meeting. All minutes and agendas must be anonymity protected (replacing full last names with the first letter of
    the last name only). Receives the agenda that is prepared by the Current Practices Committee Chairperson and
    attaches to minutes. Presents the minutes to the Current Practices Committee for corrections and approval at the
    following monthly meeting.
  • The Current Practices Chairperson attends the monthly D1 General Service (GS) Business meeting and serves as
    an “procedural” advisor to the D1 Chairperson and D1 body during the monthly D1 GS Business Meeting.
  • Provides a bi-monthly verbal and written report to the D1 body, that includes updates to the Book of Current
    Practices and a Committee Treasury report.
  • The Current Practices Chairperson attends the quarterly South Florida Area 15 Current Practices Meeting and
    reports recommendation to the D1 Chairperson and D1 Current Practices Committee for discussion and
    distribution to the D1 body as appropriate.
  • Submits and manages an annual budget. Provides receipts to the D1 Treasurer for all expenditures.