Mission Statement:
The mission of District 1 Archives Committee is to document the work of Alcoholic Anonymous by collecting and preserving materials to District 1. Like any other A.A. service, the primary purpose of those involved in “Archives” work is to carry the message of Alcoholic Anonymous. A.A. members have a responsibility to gather and care for the Fellowship’s historical documents, correspondences, records, minutes, reports, photographs, newspapers and magazine articles from the past and the present, to be collected, preserved and make available for the guidance and research of A.A. members and others; researchers, historians and scholars from various disciplines.
Bill Wilson is 1957 felt it was important and he said: “We are trying to build up extensive records which will be of value to future historian. It is highly important that the factual material be placed in our files in such a way that there can be no substantial distortion. We want to keep enlarging on this idea for the sake of the full length history to come.”