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Corrections Committee - District 1

Committee Meetings
Online – 2nd Mon. at 6:30pm
Zoom info:
ID: 945 8397 1275
PW: 906131

The corrections committee meets via Zoom on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 in the evening.

Welcome to Corrections!

The Corrections Committee is responsible for getting Volunteers to bring AA meetings into the 49th St. Jail, Safe Harbor (a homeless shelter just north of the jail) and into the Men’s area at Westcare (A rehab in St. Pete).

The Corrections Committee requires all interested in volunteering to attend a Corrections Committee meeting to learn more about us. 49th St. Jail does require filling out an application and a background check, which is run by the jail. At the Corrections Meeting we will have applications for the jail that can be filled out at that time. Please bring a photo ID to attach to application. A Committee member will submit the completed application for approval/clearance.

Once a volunteer gets clearance, a brief orientation will be scheduled and a badge will be issued at that time. The volunteer is then required to contact a committee member to get started “Carrying the Message” into the jail with another volunteer.

Women’s meetings are held on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights 7:30pm – 9pm.
Men’s meetings are every night except Saturday (times vary).

No clearance is need for Safe Harbor (homeless shelter). An AA group commits to taking a meeting once a week for a month or 2 (preferably for 2 months). Meetings are held on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 8PM.

No clearance is needed at Westcare in St. Pete. Men’s meetings are Friday and Saturday nights from 7pm-8pm.

The Committee requires 1-year Sobriety except for Safe Harbor.
There is a schedule for all the above-mentioned meetings.
Corrections has a meeting format and Guidelines which will be given to volunteers.
Volunteers cannot leave anything at the jail such as BB’s or literature. What we bring in with us, we must take home with us.
We never give out our phone numbers or personal information.
We can talk about our home group and its location.